Stránku sme aktualizovali 1. septembra 2021. / Last update: 1. september 2021.

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Obnova aristokracie na Slovensku

            Na tejto stránke sa dozviete o sile, ktorá chce pozdvihnúť človeka ponad problémy spojené s dnešným konzumným životným štýlom, dať mu nový zmysel, nové ciele. Sile, ktorá vnesie do nášho každodenného života také morálne, kultúrne a etické kritériá, aby tvorili základ pre obnovu stratených hodnôt, ako sú medziľudské vzťahy, rozvoj pozitívnych charakterových vlastností človeka, práca a jej zmysel, celkové skvalitnenie ľudskej spoločnosti.
            Určite u nás nie je nová napr. myšlienka
obrody myslenia (stačí si spomenúť na odhodlaných štúrovcov, ktorí sa všemožne a zanietene snažili uskutočniť svoje vysoké ciele, okrem iných i vytvoriť spisovný jazyk).
            Máte možnosť dočítať sa o veciach, ktoré u nás vplyvom predchádzajúcich režimov takmer upadli do zabudnutia, a ktoré sa, v súlade s trendom celoeurópskeho diania, nemohli vyhnúť ani našej krajine.
Vítame Vás vo svete Aristokratického združenia Slovenska!

Uvedenie do prostredia Pomôžte nám zmeniť svet! 2 percentá na šľachetnosť 2009
Udalosti v AZS AZS v médiách Naše projekty
Elektronický bulletin AZS Predstavujeme zaujímavé publikácie PRESTIGE AZS - vzdelávací program

Deutsch       Slovensky

Member-Intake Protocol
Protocol - Structure of the Membership
Statute of the Aristocratic Association of Slovakia (old)

Our contacts and identification data

Renewal of the Aristocracy in Slovakia

(for C.I.L.A.N.E. Congress 2005)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

   please allow us in a few words to introduce our organisation. The Aristocratic Association of Slovakia is a multinational organisation with the seat in Slovak Republic, which associate the noblemen independent of their nationality and religion. It means, the name of our Association does not mean, that we are joining the "Slovak Aristocrats".

   Our Association has a specific function. The geographical position of Slovakia is in the middle of the East-European countries. As you know, the communism has liquidated for decades morally and physically the noble status. It's therefore only after the fall of the communist regime possible, that we officially started activities in order to restore the principles and bases of the nobility in Slovakia, and therefore we have created in 1998 the Aristocratic Association of Slovakia, with the goal to give live again to the noble status. Two important problems stood in front of us:

  • The first task was to fasten on the old noble traditions and to build the noble professional organisation, which can inspect and certify the justness of using the noble titles. For this goal it was necessary to create an operating Heraldic and Genealogical centre, bond to different archives, and especially to establish a Noble Register.

  • The second problem was to find the ways, how to connect the traditional noble legislation with the existing democratic government law system. It was important to create the rules of co-existence of the organised aristocracy and the democratic administrative system.

   We were successful in both of these tasks. The registration in the Noble Register of the Aristocratic Association of Slovakia accepts the strict rules of noble traditions. It is possible to make registration only after presentation of complete prescribed documents (genealogical and historical), which confirm the appurtenance to the noble status. On the other hand, Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic officially approved the Statute of the Aristocratic Association of Slovakia, with the right to certify and confirm the justness of using the noble titles. The Certificate about the noble origin, issued by our Association, is accepted by democratic administrative system and its authorities.

   It was yet necessary to prevent from the infiltration of communistic ideology and its influences. It is made by the system of member-intake in the Aristocratic Association of Slovakia, which comes out from the "Declaration of the Head of the Aristocratic Association of Slovakia". This system excludes to take in our membership such persons, who during the communist period have behaved contrary to all basic principles of nobility. They are not allowed in our association, even if they can proof their noble origin.

   Today we are the only noble organisation in the east European countries, which has established and carries the Noble Register. This has brought us the attention of many aristocrats from different European countries, especially form the post-communistic countries. They ask for the confirmation of their nobility through the registration in our Noble register, or they ask for help or advice. So it is happened, that our Association incidentally has got into the function as a central co-ordination workplace for the question of renew of the noble status.

   A last point we would like to mention is that the Aristocratic Association of Slovakia is relatively small organisation. Today we have about 40 members, 17 of them are registered in our Noble register. The others provide the necessary genealogical documents step by step, and they are in the waiting period. The candidate cannot use his noble title before the registration in Noble register.

   Ladies and gentlemen, we hope we have made the organisation of the Aristocratic Association of Slovakia a bit more clear. This our work is very difficult. It demands very much information and especially the access to them. It also demands the collaboration with other European noble organisations. We hope, that our participation and synergism with CILANE will open us this possibilities.

September 2005

Our projects Rebirth of the Hlohovec Castle New interesting publications

Slovensky       English

Aufnahmeprotokoll - Bedingungen Sieh "Membership"
Mitglieder - Aufnahmeprotokoll                            Mitgliederstrukur der AAS
Statut der AAS (englisch)

Kontakt auf uns und die Identifikationsdaten

Erneuerung der Aristokratie in der Slowakei


1.9.2021: Vianočný zážitkový kurz etikety pre deti a rodičov
24.2.2011:2 % na šľachetnosť 2011, 21.1.2010: 2 % na šľachetnosť 2010, 20.2.2009: 2 % na šľachetnosť 2009, 26.3.2008: 2 % na šľachetnosť 2008, 20. a 12.3.2007: 2 % na šľachetnosť, 22.2.2007 - štartujeme PRESTIGE, 22.5.2006: zmena v kontaktoch,.22.3.06: anglický preklad Deklarácie, Február 06: 2 % na šľachetnosť ´2006, Výzva, Médiá, Prestige, Kontakt, postupne pridávané texty do "Médií".

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(c) AZS september 2021