(it´s going not about a simple reconstruction)

The Hlohovec Castle - autumn 2001

The Hlohovec Castle
After complicated and long-lasting attempting has the Aristocratic Association of Slovakia (AAS) become the holder of devastated, desolated and disusable building, proudly called THE CASTLE. From the side of involved municipalities, selfadministration and local administrations (Municipality office Hlohovec, District office Hlohovec and County office Trnava) has been presented to the Aristocratic Association of Slovakia welcome approach with a view to stop continuing desolation of the castle and its reconstruction realisation.
         AAS takes the next reconstruction only as a "side product” at the system of activities, which are directed to the global change of Hlohovec and contiguous region´s inhabitants life.

Reasonable orientate plan

The reconstruction aims from the point of view of AAS

        We wish that the castle after, but also during reconstruction already, serves in the higest possible measure to the public. Based on example of graduated revitalisation of the Hlohovec castle, we wish to show the public angagement possibilities to realise common aims, to built up fellowship, patriotism and pride on own work.
        The castle has to become a clear symbol of all that mentioned.

Application of the castle

The castle reconstruction costs

        Estimated castle reconstruction costs are going to a few millions of EUR.

The reconstruction sources

        We win them practicaly from all the world using all kinds of finance sources from individual sponsors to the most difficult grants, asking especially noble courts and families, as well as benefactors and supporters from the wide public.

Interiér zámku - dobová snímka

Nádvorie zámku


How you can help us

        We will be thankful for any help from you!
        If you will decide to provide us a financial contribution, you can send it directly to our account. If needed, you can close with us a sponsor treaty.
        You can also provide a non-financial contributions to provide necessary works or materials for the reconstruction, as well as to distribute the informations about us and our aims.

Bank account AAS (Bank: ČSOB Bratislava)
            SKK: 584 792 813 / 7500
            EUR: 484 127 963 / 7500

Aristocratic Association of Slovakia
            AAS is an international noble status organisation associating the people with an aim to renewal of aristocracy rank within Slovakia. The meaning is a global revival of the society, return and revitalisation of the terms as honour, consideration, good and wisdom.

Prince´s Court of AAS
        AAS is covered with a roof of own Souvereign Prince´s Court, the higest noble institute in Slovakia.

The higest statutory representant of AAS
Head of AAS and Head of Prince´s Court of AAS is His Hignness Prince Juraj Radziwill-Anoshkin.

Contacts AZS

This document come into existence under kind support
by Nadácia pre podporu občianskych aktivít (Civil Activities Support Foundation) 
in the Phare programme´s frame Civil Society Development.

Note: The Project "REBIRTH" is cancelled because of the recession from contract from the side of Hlohovec in December 2003.

(c) AAS 2002, 2004